Sydney Design Advisory Panel

An independent panel of experts help the City of Sydney to continually improve the quality of private development and our own urban design and public projects.

Panel members

  • Professor Ken Maher (Chair), Fellow, Hassell Studios
  • Professor Kerry Clare, Director, Clare Design
  • Professor Richard Johnson AO MBE, Director, Johnson Pilton and Walker Pty Ltd
  • Elizabeth-Ann Macgregor OBE, Director, Museum of Contemporary Art Australia
  • Peter Mould, (Deputy Chair) Former NSW Government Architect
  • Rachel Neeson, Director, Neeson Murcutt Architects Pty Ltd
  • Peter Poulet, NSW Government Architect, Government Architect's Office
  • Cheacute; Wall, Director, Flux Consultants
  • Professor James Weirick, Program Director, UNSW Faculty of the Built Environment.

The Sydney Design Advisory Panel was first appointed in April 2007.

In December 2015, Council re-appointed the panel for a further 2 years.

The panel members support our commitment to design excellence.

It meets regularly and the panel is guided by terms of reference approved by Council.