Building Green Square's new exciting town centre

We're designing a unique and welcoming centre to form the residential, commercial and cultural heart of the Green Square community.

Project Status: Under review

What we’re doing

We’re designing a unique and welcoming centre to form the residential, commercial and cultural heart of the Green Square community.

Sustainable infrastructure will be combined with community spirit, lifestyle and character. The Green Square town centre has a 6 Star Green Star - Communities rating from the Green Building Council of Australia, the highest possible rating.

Of the $8 billion combined private and public investment, we have committed $540 million over the next 10 years to create world-class community facilities. Included are innovative new library and plaza, aquatic centre, many parks and playgrounds, a childcare centre and a creative hub.

Important infrastructure such as stormwater drainsroads and footpaths will be built. A transport corridor for future light rail will be created.

A green precinct

The Green Infrastructure Centre, a former hospital administration building, houses Green Square Water, a water recycling facility run by Flow Systems on behalf of the City.

Green Square Water supplies treated stormwater in all Green Square town centre buildings for flushing toilets, laundries, green space irrigation and cooling towers. The water is stored in 2 tanks under Matron Ruby Grant Park.

Solar panels in the precinct produce electricity for the City’s local electricity network. Nearby Gunyama Park Aquatic and Recreation Centre will also supply additional low carbon energy to this network. We will retrofit a battery to power the precinct’s street lighting.

We are working closely with private developers to ensure growth and development is sustainable, innovative and respects the heritage and charm of this inner-city area.

Green Square’s urban renewal will cater for a 6,800–8,600 projected working population. The 14 hectares of work will take place across Beaconsfield and Zetland, and parts of Rosebery, Alexandria and Waterloo.

Construction hours

Standard City-approved construction hours are from 7.30am to 5.30pm Mondays to Fridays, and 7.30am to 3.30pm on Saturdays.

Site workers can be on site outside of these hours. For example, to use site sheds and offices.

When needed, developers and contractors can get approval to work outside normal construction hours. For example, Service NSW requires some road works to take place at night to avoid disrupting traffic.

If you are concerned about noisy or out-of-hours construction in the town centre, use our interactive construction map to find the relevant site and construction contact details.

If the site is not in the town centre, you can ring our 24-hour customer service centre on 02 9265 9333.

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