Apply for building upgrade finance

Once environmental upgrade works have been identified the building owner or manager should first talk to a lender and confirm in-principle finance approval.

Project Status: When you need to do this

What you need to do

Schedule of fees

Administration fee: see table below – levied as an upfront payment at the time of the first EUC payment. Includes an establishment fee and a processing fee. Note, all fees are quoted inclusive of GST.

Loan amount Administration fee

Up to $50,000


$50,001 to $200,000


$200,001 to $400,000


$400,001 to $800,000


$800,001 and over


Late payment fee: $64 plus court fees – levied at each step of the enforcement procedure.

Amendment fee: $360 – levied as a one-off payment at the time of amendment to the agreed repayment schedule. Where an extension to the loan term is being made the difference in the administration fee will also be payable.

Before you start

Identifying eligible upgrade works is the first step.

Eligible projects must improve the environmental performance of the building and may include repairs as well as upgrades, replacements or new installations.

The diagram below shows the steps required for a typical building upgrade process.