Apply for a busking permit

You can expect a response within 5 working days.
$47 for one year or $13 for 3 months.

Project Status: When you need to do this

What you need to do

Complete the busking permit application form.

Apply now

Permit costs

Busking permits are available for 3 months (quarterly) or for 12 months (yearly). The 3-month permit is $13. The 12-month permit is $47.

Busking permit categories

We’ll identify the category your act falls into. This will determine how long you can perform in a single location and whether your act needs to be assessed.

Before you start

All buskers must read our local approvals policy for busking and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural practice before you submit your application.

You can upload a headshot to be displayed on your permit. Photos are limited to 20 MB.

If the busker is under 16, a parent or guardian will need to provide their signature and upload photo ID.

After you finish

We'll let you know when your busking permit is ready to collect from the customer or neighbourhood service centre you selected on your application form.

If you're under 16, your parent or guardian who signed the application form also needs to attend with their ID to collect your permit.

Other information

Other ways to apply