A room in Benledi community centre featuring rows of blue chairs.
An empty room in Benledi community centre.
A view of Benledi community centre from the street featuring the facade and grassed front yard.

An ideal venue for your community group's meeting, seminar or gentle exercise class.


  • Health, dance and fitness classes included

    Friday: 8.45am-9.50am
    Friday: 10am-11.10am.


  • Onsite mobility parking included

    3 mobility parking spaces available in the parking lot adjacent to the venue.

  • Mobility parking within 300m included

    3 mobility parking spaces available in the parking lot adjacent to the venue.

  • Level access entrance included

    There's ramp access to the venue. Wheelchair access to the ground floor is available only during library opening hours.

  • Entry door type included

    Manual – door opens to 860mm wide.

Spaces for use and hire

This community centre hires out the theatre room for meetings, training sessions, gentle exercise groups and rehearsals.