Responding to homeless hotspots

A homeless hotspot is an area where a large group of people sleep rough and where there are multiple compounding issues including anti-social behaviour and decreased public amenity.

A person sleeping with a dog on the footpath, covered in a sleeping bag and surrounded by a suitcase, clothes and food.

Our Homelessness unit has taken a leadership role in providing and coordinating responses to homelessness in public areas. We work to reduce homelessness in hotspot areas including Woolloomooloo, Wentworth Park and Belmore Park in partnership with:

  •   NSW Family and Community Services
  •   NSW Police Force
  •   St Vincent's Homeless Health
  •   Mission Australia
  •   Neami National
  •   Launchpad Youth Services
  •   Innari Housing
  •   Aboriginal Housing Company
  •   other specialist homelessness services.

This collaborative approach enables sharing of skills, knowledge and resource-sharing, resulting in better outcomes for both vulnerable people and the wider community. In 2015 this approach resulted in over 80 people who were sleeping rough accessing appropriate accommodation with support.