Night-time diversification grants

Our night-time diversification grant supports new events and activities to help your business attract customers in the evenings.

A night-time scene of people entering Ariel bookstore.

Applications now open

This grant supports your business to trial new evening events and activities that add to your regular daytime services.

Who can apply

The program is open to not-for-profit organisations, for-profit organisations or social enterprises operating in our local area.

What you can apply for

You can apply for up to $30,000 matched cash funding for projects. This means if your project is successful we will match what you spend over the course of the project dollar-for-dollar up to $30,000.

What the funding covers

The funding will support you to extend your trading hours by programming activities and events at your business.

All business types can apply for funds, so we encourage you to get creative with your ideas.

What you need to show

  • Demonstrated opportunity, need or demand for the project.
  • Demonstrated cash commitment to support any safety or precinct amenity provisions (such as lighting, security and cameras) so the activity is safe for patrons, staff and the community.
  • Capacity and experience to undertake the project, how you plan to promote your activities and any required approvals.
  • Commitment, capacity and plans to continue the activities and later trading without further support from us.

Evaluating your project

  • We will evaluate the success of projects funded under this grant using one or more of these measures:
  • number of nights a week the business trades to 10pm
  • number of activities/programs scheduled throughout the grant period
  • % increase in turnover since extending trading hours
  • % increase in customer base due to the activities supported by the grant.

Key dates

There are 2 grant rounds a year.

Funding is available for 1 or 2 years only.

How you can apply

We encourage you to speak with us or make an appointment for a one-on-one information session before applying.

Please read our grants and sponsorship guidelines for more information about program outcomes and eligibility.

Some ideas to help you get started

Think of your customers and the value of your products and services.

'How to’ sessions

'How to' sessions help customers interact with your product or service. For example, styling and grooming sessions for beauty, fashion and design retailers or cooking classes for hospitality businesses.

Social events

Networking or storytelling nights with the designers/makers/suppliers behind your products or services can inspire your customers and help define your brand. For example, an author reading at a book shop or a Q&A with a stylist in a homewares store.

Inspired collaborations

Co-created events with like-minded brands or businesses can allow both brands to grow customers. For example, collaborations between a local street artist and a fashion designer or a fashion retailer and a make-up artist.

Evening trade opportunities


There is an opportunity for businesses to take advantage of high volumes of pedestrians by extending their trading hours. The graphs below show the number of people on the street and the number of businesses open on weekdays and Saturdays from 6am to midnight in Newtown.


There is an opportunity for businesses to take advantage of high volumes of pedestrians by extending their trading hours. The graphs below show the number of people on the street and the number of businesses open on weekdays and Saturdays from 6am to midnight.

Key dates

Grant round 1

Applications open: 5 February 2020
Applications close: 9 March 2020
Project timeframe: 1 August 2020–31 July 2021
Recommendations to Council: 29 June 2020

Grant round 2

Applications open: 29 July 2020
Applications close: 31 August 2020
Project timeframe: 1 January 2021–31 December 2021
Recommendations to Council: 16 November 2020

Recommendations to Council is the time when applications are discussed and councillors decide to support or reject the recommendations presented to them.

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