Public domain manual

Information about works on roads, drainage, footpaths, landscaping and other public spaces, referred to as the public domain.



The public domain manual contains information to help you:

  • prepare for approval of works in the public domain
  • understand your responsibilities during the approval process to help avoid delays
  • calculate, lodge and re-claim performance bonds related to public domain works
  • smoothly manage the construction of public domain works
  • understand the process and your responsibilities during the works completion, handover and defects liability periods.

The manual applies to public domain works during the following stages:

  • Construction certificate approval, planning agreement works, Roads Act Approvals
    • Lodgement of plans and details required to satisfy:
      • conditions of consent prior to the issue of a construction certificate by a private certifying authority or the City of Sydney
      • approval of public domain works associated with a planning agreement
      • an approval for works in the public way required under the Roads Act.
  • Construction stage
    • Construction of approved public domain works, including hold point inspections by the City of Sydney as asset owner and/or principal certifying authority.
  • Works completion/handover and occupation certificate
    • Completion of approved public domain works, including:
      • rectification of defects
      • preparation and lodgement of certified works-as-executed documentation
      • obtaining a certificate of completion.