Gain exemption from requiring development consent for heritage works

Some minor works may be carried out to heritage items or within heritage conservation areas without the need for a DA.

No charge for single dwellings or work that only affects a single residential unit.

Project Status: When you need to do this

What you need to do 

Determine if you are eligible for an exemption

Apply to gain exemption

Before you start 

The best way to conserve heritage items and places in heritage conservation areas is to carry out regular maintenance and repairs.  Some types of minor works may also improve the serviceability of the place without negative impacts on heritage significance.

These works may include re-painting a building in an original or appropriate colour scheme, replacing rusty gutters and downpipes to match original details or restoring a front verandah to its original detail.

To make it easier for owners to maintain and repair their properties, the Sydney Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2012 specifies certain development that may be carried out to heritage items or within heritage conservation areas without the need for a development application.

Works can only be carried out without a development application when

  • the consent authority has been notified and given approval in writing
  • they're minor, to maintain and not affect the significance of a heritage item, Aboriginal object, place of heritage significance or archaeological site or within a heritage conservation area

After you finish

If your request is approved, you will receive written confirmation that your works do not require consent. You cannot commence work until you receive this written confirmation from the City of Sydney and you should keep the confirmation for your records.