Energy and climate change

There's plenty we can do individually and collectively to stay globally competitive and reduce the impacts of climate change on Sydney and the wider world.

Why we’re doing this

Climate change is the most serious environmental challenge that human beings have faced. It is the defining issue of our time.

Globally, the largest contributor to climate change is the burning of fossil fuels for energy. Burning these fuels releases emissions that create a greenhouse effect in the atmosphere. This traps increasing levels of solar heat and causes warming. An energy transition to renewable energy is already well underway. To avert the worst consequences of climate change, we need to accelerate this transition.

Action areas

We’re adopting a diverse approach to tackling climate change and its effects. We know a challenge this great requires action on several fronts.

In 2020, these are the areas we’ll be focusing on:

How we can achieve this

There’s plenty we can do individually and collectively to stay globally competitive and reduce the impacts of climate change on Sydney and the wider world.

Whether you’re a business owner, worker or student, a resident or visitor, there are things you can do to fight climate change and help take care of our environment. And it’s easy to get started.

Our plans, projects and initiatives

Sydney has already begun to feel the effects of climate change, which is why we’re taking steps right now to reduce the impact, by:

  • planting more trees and other vegetation to help reduce temperatures in the city
  • providing cool shared spaces for the community during long hot summers, such as swimming pools, libraries and more
  • managing the impacts of flooding and protecting our waterways by installing rain gardens and wetlands and investing in stormwater infrastructure in new developments such as the Green Square town centre
  • providing emergency accommodation and other services for homeless people and those sleeping rough during severe weather events.

We have a number of key plans and programs which are focused around our energy and climate change goals: