Planning and reporting

An integrated approach to strategic and operational planning that identifies the resources required to deliver on our community’s priorities and aspirations.

Why we’re doing this

Effective planning and reporting ensures we focus not only on the short-term issues and the range of service delivery indicated in the operational plan but also on the medium and long-term challenges.

Action areas

  • Our resourcing strategy accompanies the community strategic plan and the delivery program
  • The long term financial plan outlines costs associated with meeting our Sustainable Sydney 2030 goals and objectives from the community strategic plan. It provides a 10-year view of our costs, including possible requirements from other sources.
  • The people strategy covers the broad challenges and responses to planning our future workforce.
  • The asset management plan summarises the condition and actions for assets that are critical to our operating.
  • The information and technology strategic plan establishes a roadmap to ensure that information and communication technology facilities, initiatives and resourcing are aligned with the strategic goals of the organisation.
  • The community engagement framework is a document that outlines how we consult our diverse communities. It includes a definition of community engagement and explains how we talk with – and listen to – our communities.

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