Businesses and waste services

Here's everything businesses in the local area need to know about waste services and recycling.


Your rates and waste

All businesses must arrange their own waste collections. Business council rates don’t cover waste and recycling.

You must be able to show your waste collection contract if one of our officers asks you to. We strongly recommend you hire a contractor to collect recyclables so you reduce waste going to landfill.

Our local approvals policy for managing waste in public places outlines your responsibilities for managing business waste.

Your bins

All bins must be clearly labelled with your business name, phone number and address. Order free bin labels by calling us. Your waste contractor's name, address and phone number must be displayed on all bins.

Your collection

Businesses must always store their bins inside their premises.

If possible, arrange for your waste collection contractor to collect your bins from your storage area when they’re emptied and return them immediately after.

If you need to place your bins in a public place for collection, keep them next to your business and remove them immediately after collection. Bins must be in a spot where they won't disturb traffic flow or parking, or block people walking or riding bikes. They mustn’t block doors or emergency exits.

All waste must be placed inside your bins and lids must be fully closed. Any waste not in a bin is considered illegal dumping.

Download our local approvals policy to check your collection zone and learn more about your responsibilities.  

Cutting waste

We all have a part to play in reducing, reusing and recycling our waste. 

Around 90% of Sydney's waste is generated from commercial and industrial sectors, yet only 50% of this waste is recycled. Recycling helps the environment and the economy by conserving resources and creating jobs. 

Where possible, purchase products, packaging and stationery made from recycled materials. This helps reduce demand for raw materials and causes less damage to the environment. 

We have a range of programs to help with greening your business.

Find out where to recycle all those tricky items through Planet Ark's new recycling directory specifically designed for businesses.

Oz Harvest donates excess food to charities from function centres, caterers, corporate offices, restaurants and cafes. 

Using recycled furniture to fit out your office often allows you to buy higher quality items at a lower price, saving valuable resources. Contact re-use centres such as The Bower or Reverse Garbage to donate your old furniture and find low-cost new pieces.