Water: actions for businesses

Opportunities to rethink resource use.

Related to Water management
Still water in Sydney Harbour

Water savings program for businesses

We’ve partnered with Sydney Water to achieve water savings across the city.

The Water Savings Partnership provides businesses with support and resources to increase water efficiency.

Water use assessment

The program encourages you to learn how much water your business is using. We provide help with:

  • assessments
  • temporary remote monitoring
  • industry benchmarking information.

Ratings and benchmarking

  • NABERS can help your business measure your water performance
  • We can provide a grant for obtaining and improving your water ratings
  • Ongoing remote monitoring and sub-metering of water use is key to help your stay on track and avoid excess such as leaks

Alternative water sources

Businesses in our local area can connect to non-potable water in 3 communities – Green Square, Central Park and Barangaroo.

If your business is located outside one of these areas, there may be other options to use reusable water, such as rainwater tanks.

Join our mission

The Water Savings Partnership program is supporting our existing sustainability programs.

Our direct engagement programs include:

Our industry partnerships include: