Basement, Redfern Community Centre

A large versatile space suitable for workshops, community events, rehearsals and small performances. It includes a lounge area with a range of seating options available.



70 people


Bookings can be made out of normal hours upon request and will incur additional staffing fees. See cost to hire.
  • Monday to Friday

    9am to 5pm

What’s provided

  • Audiovisual equipment included

    Projection screen and television.

  • Kitchen included



  • Onsite mobility parking not included

  • Mobility parking within 300m included

  • Level access entrance included

  • Entry door type included

    Automatic - Doors open to 1960mm wide.

Cost to hire


Hourly rate

Individual/community groups


per hour

Hourly rate

Commercial or government


per hour

Also for hire at Redfern Community Centre