Sister cities

We have 6 sister cities around the world that share significant historical, cultural, social or geographic similarities with Sydney.

Friendship cities

We have friendship city relationships with 6 cities around the world – involvement is not as high as a sister city relationship.

The first friendship city agreement was signed with Paris in 1998, followed by Athens and Berlin in 2000. Dublin became a friendship city 2 years later. The City of Sydney and Wuhan, China signed a friendship city agreement in 2015.

In 2019, Sydney signed its most recent friendship city agreement with the City of Chicago. Both cities share much in common, including our commitments to pursuing design excellence in architecture and public art, and taking strong action on climate change.

Rebecca Yang

International Relations

For more information about the City of Sydney’s sister city and friendship city relationships, please contact:

phone number
02 9265 9573
email address
[email protected]


Our guidelines for sister city relationships outline the program’s main objectives, which are to:

  • extend the hand of friendship overseas on a person-to-person basis
  • perpetuate an understanding between people and cultures
  • bring together similar interest groups in each city
  • provide a forum for the exchange of sister city experiences
  • extend the level of contacts through all sectors of the community
  • develop economic, trade, cultural, educational and other beneficial exchanges.