Installing new outdoor fitness hub at Pirrama Park

Accessible and free fitness equipment for everyone to enjoy on the northern lawn.

Project Status: In progress

What we’re doing

Installing static and moving outdoor fitness equipment, new paving, seating areas, steps and retaining walls.

The facility will be opened to the public once social distancing restrictions are lifted by the NSW Government.

Our contractor Romba Pty Ltd will start work in June 2020. Construction will take place from 7.30am to 5.30pm, Monday to Friday. The project is expected to take about 10 to 12 weeks to complete, weather permitting.

Impacts and disruptions

There will be some machinery noise, dust, parking restrictions and traffic control during the work. We will take steps to minimise disruptions.

Fast-tracking capital works in response to Covid-19

We’re responding to the Covid-19 global pandemic with a range of measures to support our community and our local economy. This includes fast-tracking capital works projects including upgrading parks, paving and landscaping.

All our sites have Covid-19 management plans in place and are following public health guidelines for social distancing, extra hygiene and safety measures.

We know our residents, workers and visitors are focused on social distancing and health and wellbeing, and many are experiencing economic stress. It is also important the City continues to deliver projects that will create jobs and benefit our local area.