Register your pet

All dogs must be registered before they're 6 months old and all cats must be registered before they're 4 months old.

The standard fee to register a desexed animal is $58.

Project Status: When you need to do this

What you need to do

Payment and lodging documents

Residents can lodge the required documents in 1 of 3 ways:

Before you start

After you finish

You will receive your certificate of registration once your cat or dog is registered, and where applicable the identification certificate.

Please note: The permanent identification form or a copy of your identification certificate must be included in your submission. Without it, we will not be able to contact you or complete your registration.

The registration fee is a once-only payment and covers lifetime registration in NSW, even if pet ownership changes.

Your registration details will be recorded on the NSW Companion Animals Register.

Other information

Proof of eligibility

To qualify for a discount as a pensioner concession card holder, recognised breeder or if the animal you're registering has assistance animal status, you must provide the following documentation:

Fees and documentation requirements

Please note that dogs must be registered before they are 6 months old and cats must be registered before they are 4 months old.

In addition to the below, a late fee of $16 is also payable with the registration fee if you don't register your animal within 28 days after this due date. The $16 late fee came into effect on 31 August 2018.

Fines for unregistered pets

If you do not register a dog aged 6 months or older, or a cat aged 4 months or older you can be fined $330 on-the-spot. If you own a dangerous, menacing or restricted breed of dog and don't register it before it is 6 months old you face a $1,760 fine. The maximum penalty for not registering animals is $6,600 (for subsequent offences). For not registering dangerous, restricted and menacing dogs, it is $7,700 (for subsequent offences).

Pocket pets

Pets come in all shapes and sizes and many of our residents keep rats, ferrets, rabbits, guinea pigs and other pocket-sized pets. 

See the NSW RSPCA website for information on caring for pocket pets.


We do not endorse keeping snakes or other native Australian wildlife as pets.

The RSPCA notes that these animals rarely enjoy human company and require specialised housing and feeding.

In NSW, you must have a licence to keep a reptile.

Other requirements

  • You must be over 18 years old to register a pet. A parent or guardian cannot register cats and dogs on behalf of children and teenagers under 18.
  • If your address or ownership changes, you need to change your pet registration.
  • If you are moving to NSW with your pet, you need to change your pet registration.
  • When dogs or cats are in a public place they must wear an identification disc on their collar that is engraved with their name and their owner's contact number.
  • We recommend all cats that are allowed to roam should wear a collar and tag. All cats must, by law, be microchipped.