NSW Government review: Pyrmont

City of Sydney is a member of the project team and steering committee for the NSW Government’s Pyrmont Peninsula revitalisation strategy.

Project Status: Closed

What we’re doing

The Department of Planning, Industry and Environment has invited the City to help develop a place strategy for the Pyrmont peninsula.

The place strategy will include a simplified planning framework and a placed-based masterplan that addresses the planning priorities of the eastern city district plan, including:

  • identification of sub-precincts
  • principles that respond to the character and potential of sub-precincts
  • an economic strategy and industry attraction program
  • collaborative and inclusive governance arrangements.

The development of a place strategy is the product of the Greater Sydney Commission’s review of planning for Pyrmont in 2019.

Formal public consultation of a draft place strategy and masterplan is expected mid-2020.

For more information about the project or to get involved in community consultation, visit the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment’s website.

Our role

The City is a member of the project team and steering committee. We will work to provide the identified priorities in our local strategic planning statement, including:

  • commitment to a metro station
  • promoting employment growth, visitor accommodation, affordable enterprise space, high-tech industry, retail, community and cultural uses
  • increased greening and tree canopy and high sustainability performance
  • improved environments for walking and cycling
  • additional and improved open space.