Planned approach to low-rise medium density housing code for Rosebery

The NSW Government's low-rise medium density housing code will come into effect in parts of Rosebery on 1 July 2020.

Project Status: Under review

Public consultation period to

What we’re doing

The NSW Government’s low-rise medium density housing code will come into effect in parts of Rosebery on 1 July 2020 and we invite your feedback on our planned approach.

The new code is a planning policy from the NSW Government. We think it’s important our residents are aware of the changes, understand the background and our concerns about implementing the code in Rosebery.

The code will make it easier to develop dual occupancies in the low-density residential zoned area of Rosebery. Dual occupancy development is where two homes are built on the one lot, which may later be subdivided. Semi-detached dwellings are an example of dual occupancy development.

Rather than submitting a development application, developers will be able to build dual occupancies according to the state government’s design guide. This includes the height and density controls under the code.

Housing in Rosebery should be well designed, fit with the character of the area and not impact the amenity of neighbouring properties. We’re concerned the new process may lead to poorer design outcomes in this area and will not include community consultation.

A report about the impending start of the code was put to Council on 9 March 2020. The report provides further background to this issue and the City’s concerns. You can read the report and resolution.

Why we're doing this

The City’s planning controls recognise Rosebery’s special character. The special qualities of the area are described in the Sydney Development Control Plan 2012 (section 2.2 and section 5.6). When the City receives a development application in the area, these special qualities are taken into consideration.

Lord Mayor Clover Moore has written to the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces, Rob Stokes, to request Rosebery be recognised as a special character area and for the new code to not apply in the area.

If this request is not supported, the City may pursue making dual occupancies prohibited under the local planning controls.

We’d like to hear your view on the new code and the changes we’re considering if our request to exempt Rosebery from the code is declined.

All feedback will be considered closely to help inform the City’s response to the code and future discussions we have with the state government regarding this matter.

How you can give feedback

Give your feedback by completing an online form.

Online form

Consultation closes at 5pm on Friday 19 June 2020.

Feedback may be published in publicly available reports at the end of the consultation period. Your name or organisation's name may appear in these reports with your feedback attributed. If you would like your feedback to be kept confidential, please let us know when making your submission.

Other ways you can give feedback