Planning proposal request: Elizabeth Street, Redfern

A large-scale project by the NSW Land and Housing Corporation to provide a mix of social, affordable and private housing in Redfern.

Project Status: In progress

What we’re doing

The redevelopment of 600-660 Elizabeth Street, Redfern bounded by Elizabeth, Kettle, Walker and Phillip streets.


  • The NSW Land and Housing Corporation proposes the redevelopment of 600-660 Elizabeth Street, Redfern with a mix of social, affordable and private housing under its communities plus program.
  • The City of Sydney is now the lead planning authority for this site following an announcement by the Minister for Planning in November 2019.
  • NSW Land and Housing Corporation lodged a planning proposal with the City of Sydney in March 2020 to rezone the Elizabeth Street site.
  • The City will consult the public on the planning proposal and conduct a comprehensive community engagement program.
  • The City is committed to working to ensure the redevelopment of the Elizabeth Street site provides a mix of public, affordable and private housing and suitable space for community facilities, including the NSW Police and Citizens Youth Club.

The planning proposal and next steps

NSW Land and Housing Corporation’s request seeks to change the land use zone and increase the maximum building height and floor space controls to enable redevelopment of the Elizabeth Street site. The planning proposal also has local planning controls to ensure there is no additional overshadowing of Redfern Park and Redfern Oval, there are minimum amounts of social and affordable housing and there is a suitable amount of floor space for community facilities on the site.

In November 2019, the Minister for Planning announced the planning pathway for the site changed from a state significant precinct process led by the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment to a local planning proposal process led by the City of Sydney.

The planning proposal is now being assessed and will be reported to Council and the Central Sydney Planning Committee for consideration. There are no timeframes yet available for when the report will be made. You can sign up to receive regular updates and be notified when the assessment of the proposal is reported to Council and at other key milestones (including the start of public consultation).

The City of Sydney will lead community consultation during the public consultation period for the planning proposal. The community consultation will be guided by the City’s community engagement strategy, community engagement principles and the community participation plan.