Proposed changes to planning controls for affordable rental housing in the Green Square town centre

The changes provide a comprehensive and transparent framework for applying affordable rental housing contributions when land is developed. They also simplify our current processes.

Project Status: Under review

Public consultation period to

What we’re doing

Our proposed changes to planning controls will increase the amount of affordable rental housing in the Green Square town centre.

The changes provide a comprehensive and transparent framework for applying affordable rental housing contributions when land is developed. They also simplify our current processes.

Council approved changes to the controls for the City of Sydney area under the affordable housing review on 17 September 2018 following public consultation. An error in this planning proposal meant the proposed controls and draft affordable rental housing program did not apply to land in the Green Square town centre.

This proposal is to ensure the previously approved controls apply to the Green Square town centre, as intended.

In summary, the proposed changes will:

  • increase the contribution rate in Green Square to align with the rates elsewhere in the local area
  • reduce the minimum size of dedicated affordable housing dwellings to 35 square metres while increasing the maximum dwelling size to 90 square metres
  • provide a framework for capturing land value uplift where a planning proposal changes planning controls
  • improve the interpretation and application of current clauses.

The consultation includes:

  • a planning proposal to amend the Sydney Local Environmental Plan (Green Square town centre) 2013 and the Sydney Local Environmental Plan (Green Square town centre – Stage 2) 2013 (Green Square local environmental plans).
  • a draft affordable rental housing program to apply to the Green Square town centre, replace Green Square and employment lands programs and supplement the Ultimo/Pyrmont program.

Property owners who made submissions during the community consultation period for the affordable housing review in 2018 are advised a further submission on the same matter is not required. Matters raised during that period will also be considered under this consultation.

After the consultation, the City will consider all submissions and report the outcomes to Council and the Central Sydney Planning Committee.

If Council and the Central Sydney Planning Committee approve the proposal, a request will be made to the Greater Sydney Commission to amend the Green Square local environmental plans.

Appendix A City of Sydney affordable housing programPDF · 750.96 KB · Last modified
Appendix B: Drafting instructionsPDF · 233.15 KB · Last modified
Appendix C: City West Housing letter to City of SydneyPDF · 75.52 KB · Last modified
Council and Central Sydney Planning Committee resolutionsPDF · 171.06 KB · Last modified
Gateway determinationPDF · 259.17 KB · Last modified
Alteration to gateway determinationPDF · 79.95 KB · Last modified

How you can give feedback

Give your feedback by completing an online form.

Online form

Consultation closes at 5pm on Thursday 23 July 2020.

Feedback may be published in publicly available reports at the end of the consultation period. Your name or organisation's name may appear in these reports with your feedback attributed. If you would like your feedback to be kept confidential, please let us know when making your submission.

Other ways you can give feedback