Proposed ticket parking update for Alexandria

A proposal to trial 2 hour ticket parking from 8am to 10pm in some Alexandria streets. Area 36 permit holders will be exempt.

Project Status: Closed

Public consultation period to

What we’re doing

The proposal was in response to increased demands for parking in the area and requests for more availability of parking spaces.

The following key themes emerged in the feedback we received:

  • residents did not support ticket parking on weekends, but noted that some form of ticket parking would help improve access to short-term parking
  • residents felt the proposed hours for ticket parking were too long and should be reduced
  • residents of Henderson Road and Newton Street were generally opposed to any form of ticket parking.

Updated ticket parking proposal

Our updated proposal would see 2-hour ticket parking from 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday, except for Area 36 parking permit holders. The parking restrictions would cover these Alexandria streets:

  • Alexander Street
  • Rowley Street
  • Station Place
  • Explorer Street
  • Brandling Street
  • Brandling Lane
  • Kingsclear Road
  • Lyne Street
  • Lyne Lane
  • Dadley Street.
A map of the area where the proposed ticket parking will be effective.

The proposal would require drivers to pay for parking in spaces with ticket parking signs.

No changes are proposed to any existing school drop-off and pick-up (including 15-minute parking during school hours), loading, mobility, no stopping, no parking, motorcycle, bus, taxi or mail zones in the area.

The proposal is for an initial trial period of 2 years, and if the trial is successful, the ticket parking will remain.

Picture of cars on a street

How you can give feedback

Give your feedback by completing an online form.

Online form

Consultation closes at 5pm on Friday 13 December 2019.

Feedback may be published in publicly available reports at the end of the consultation period. Your name or organisation's name may appear in these reports with your feedback attributed. If you would like your feedback to be kept confidential, please let us know when making your submission. 

Other ways you can give feedback