Strategic review: Botany Road corridor

City Plan 2036, our local strategic planning statement, states we will undertake a review of the planning controls affecting the Botany Road corridor.

Project Status: In progress

An aerial view of Botany Road that shows the limits of the corridor.

The corridor is an opportunity to grow the Eveleigh node of the Camperdown-Ultimo health and education precinct to support the NSW Government’s Sydney technology and innovation precinct and link to the future Waterloo metro station.

A review of the Botany Road corridor was originally started by the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment as part of the preparation of a land use and infrastructure implementation plan. The planning work has now been transferred to the City of Sydney. Our review picks up from the original brief but amends the scope.

The Botany Road corridor review is comprised of a number of studies, including urban design, Indigenous and built heritage, noise and air quality studies and transport. The studies will be used to inform the review of the planning controls for the Botany Road corridor and contribute to the employment growth targets in the eastern city district plan. This review will look to identify and support opportunities to appropriately increase development capacity for commercial and other enterprise uses.

This review will also inform the City’s ongoing work on meeting the vision of a green, global and connected local area through the community strategic plan and an economic strategy and the productivity priorities of the NSW Government.

The City will consult with the community and other relevant stakeholders.