Upgrade works for Palmerston Avenue Steps and Sarah Peninton Reserve

Helping people move around more easily and providing a greener and more pleasant space.

Project Status: In progress

What we’re doing

We've started work to upgrade Palmerston Avenue Steps and Sarah Peninton Reserve in Glebe to help people move around more easily and provide a greener and more pleasant space.

The upgrade includes:

  • better access along Palmerston Avenue with new stairs, a concrete path, handrails, pram ramps and more welcoming entry points
  • a new bigger entry plaza to the light rail station
  • more native plants and grasses
  • new seating and a water bubbler and tap.

You can view the plan of works.

The work started in July and will take 5 months to complete, weather permitting.

Most of the works will take place from 7.30am to 5.30pm Monday to Friday and 7.30am to 3.30pm on Saturday. We will notify local residents and businesses of any works to take place outside of these hours.

The steps and reserve will be closed during the works. You can continue to access the light rail station from Bayview Street.

We will take steps to minimise other impacts. However, there will be some machinery noise and dust. Parking in Lombard Street and Keegan Avenue may be temporarily impacted due to access requirements for construction materials and equipment.

Plan of worksPNG · 3.08 MB · Last modified

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