Street counts

Helping us monitor progress and develop responses to reducing the numbers of people experiencing homelessness in the local area.

Related to Homelessness

Street counts aim to collect accurate and up-to-date information about the number of people sleeping rough in the local area. People occupying beds in temporary shelters and homelessness hostels are also counted.

People living in boarding houses, staying with friends or living in other forms of non-secure housing are not counted. No information regarding the specific location of rough sleepers is published.

Street counts take place in February and August every year. Each count relies on the goodwill and participation of more than 150 volunteers.

The City of Sydney actively seeks the advice of people who are currently homeless or have experienced homelessness in the past. To date the City has worked with 50 different individuals with lived experience of homelessness to advise and assist us in the implementation of multiple street counts.

Street counts assist the City’s homelessness unit to develop responses to homelessness according to need. Results are regularly used to advocate to state and federal governments, along with potential partners, for the resources necessary to achieve enduring solutions to homelessness.

A key part of the City’s homelessness strategy, the street counts also help to monitor the progress of the City and its partners in reducing the numbers of people experiencing homelessness in the local area.

Counting the numbers of people experiencing primary homelessness is only 1 method of collecting data but it is an important one.

Results of recent street counts

  • These tables show results of recent counts, which covered about two-thirds of the local area.
  • Approximately 180 volunteers, including 18 advisors, participated in each street count.
  • The methods we use to conduct the street count have been adapted and refined in consultation with people with lived experience of homelessness to ensure sensitivity and accuracy.


Volunteer manualPDF · 1.64 MB · Last modified

This manual provides the information you need to know about preparing for and taking part in the Street Count event.