Eora Journey Economic Development Plan

A dynamic 10-year plan to contribute to sustained prosperity for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.



  • Based on the challenges identified through our engagement and research work, the plan focuses on 4 main themes.
    • Create an economic hub – Ensure support and capacity building for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander business owners and prospective entrepreneurs.
    • Maximise employment outcomes – Ensure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people can access opportunities, progress and thrive in the local economy.
    • Enhance tertiary opportunities – Support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in accessing, completing and maximising the benefits of tertiary education.
    • Grow key sectors of the economy – Support business ownership and employment opportunities in areas such as finance and professional services, tourism, retail, creative and digital businesses.
  • Under each of the themes, we have identified a range of actions to work in partnership to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander economic development in Sydney.
  • Specific projects will be scoped and implemented in partnership on a year by year basis with a wide range of organisations and businesses to deliver against these actions over the life of the plan.
  • This plan is driven by partnership. It means working with Aboriginal organisations, other levels of government, the business community, and community members.