Understanding the cultural sector: research and studies

As part of the Creative City and live music and performance action plans, we routinely undertake study to support policy development and improve our understanding of the creative industry.


Ianto Ware

Strategy Advisor - Culture

Researchers who would like to speak to the City about cultural research, please contact:

phone number
02 9246 7391
email address
[email protected]

We support independent study through our existing links with universities and research partners, and programs such as the knowledge exchange sponsorship.

Our research includes:

  • the impact of building, planning, liquor and other regulatory systems on cultural activity
  • international best practice approaches to cultural policy
  • community-driven research, including projects developed by artists, community groups and small creative businesses
  • barriers to cultural participation, attendance and employment
  • small and medium creative enterprise
  • socio-economic impacts on cultural participation.

Previous studies we have undertaken or supported can be downloaded below.