
CityTalks is our flagship event series that engages key federal, state and local stakeholders on significant issues at the global, national and city level.

An international dialogue 

We aim to inspire, inform, educate and engage the community in an international dialogue to realise our 2030 vision.

Our CityTalks are free events that feature high profile international or national keynote speakers and a discussion panel of local and international experts.

World-renowned speakers

  • Mary Robinson, President of the Mary Robinson Foundation – Climate Justice, and former President of Ireland
  • Connie Hedegaard, former European Commissioner for Climate Action
  • Sir Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the world wide web
  • David Suzuki, award winning scientist, environmentalist and broadcaster
  • Joseph Stiglitz, Nobel Prize-winning economist
  • Chris Anderson, curator of TED Conference
  • David McWilliams, economist, author and broadcaster