Connections with Asia

We have partnered with Asialink Business to run 3 Asia capacity-building workshops in Sydney to support small and medium sized businesses.

Person giving a talk to a full seminar room

Our role as a global city

As a global city, Sydney already has strong economic, cultural and social connections across Asia, as well as other parts of the world.

We are working on expanding and strengthening those connections to deliver greater benefits to the community and the economy in general.

Asia Business Series

This 3-part series focused on equipping businesses to become Asia-ready by developing skills, sharing knowledge and providing network opportunities.

The first workshop held on Tuesday 6 March 2018 focused on being Asia tourist ready. It provided practical insights into how businesses can harness the enormous opportunities presented by the Asian tourism boom. There was a specific focus on the critical growth markets of China, Japan and Korea.

The second workshop held on Tuesday 10 May 2018 discussed liveable and sustainable cities in Asia and the opportunities that exist for local businesses. The workshop focussed on understanding the current landscape in Asia from an environmental perspective, profiling leading examples of green initiatives and opportunities for local Sydney businesses to engage with and position their offerings to key markets.

The third and final workshop in this series held on Wednesday 30 May 2018 provided participants with strategies for pitching to Asian investors with a focus on the markets of China, India and Korea. It focussed on the key cultural drivers and differences to consider when developing or customising your pitch, understanding key decision-making factors, process, and lead times, and how these may differ compared with western markets.

Supporting businesses in Asian markets

We are committed to supporting Sydney’s business community to benefit from new opportunities in China and other Asian growth markets.

We provide a range of talks, training and sponsorships to provide businesses with the opportunity to learn from experts about market trends and future economic opportunities. This also builds on our strong historical and cultural connections with leading Asian cities, Sydney’s Chinese business community, and partner organisations.

Our initiatives include:

  • Hosting the yearly Future Asia Business Summit during Sydney’s Chinese New Year festival. This event brings together industry and government leaders to share insights on economic opportunities in China and across Asia.
  • An economic and cultural program of events in Guangzhou from 30 May to 2 June 2016, to mark the 30th anniversary of sister-city relations. The events were run in partnership with the Australia China Business Council, Sydney Symphony Orchestra, University of Sydney, University of Technology Sydney and 4A Centre for Contemporary Asian Art.
  • A Global Sydney marketing campaign, promoting Sydney’s economic strengths and connections with China.
  • Facilitating a series of training workshops to help local businesses grow in both domestic and international markets.
  • Sponsoring the annual Sydney China Business Forum, run by the University of Sydney's China Studies Centre.
  • Working closely with retailers to take advantage of promotional and activation opportunities during Sydney's Chinese New Year festival.
  • Sponsoring the inaugural China Australia Millennial Project in 2015, which brought together young Chinese and Australian entrepreneurs at Town Hall.
  • Providing grants to the Haymarket Chamber of Commerce to promote the Chinatown area's unique identity.
  • Producing the Asia on Your Doorstep campaign, to raise awareness about the diversity of cuisine on offer in Sydney's Chinatown and to attract visitors.