Feedback on A City for All - draft Inclusion (Disability) Action Plan 2017-2021

The City of Sydney is committed to being an inclusive and accessible city for everyone, now and in the future.

Project Status: Completed

Public consultation period to

The City of Sydney is committed to being an inclusive and accessible city for everyone, now and in the future.

The City's ongoing commitment to making Sydney truly inclusive and welcoming is embodied in A City for All – draft Inclusion (Disability) Action Plan 2017–2021, our fourth action plan.

We have reviewed the feedback from our survey and workshops held in December 2016 and January 2017 and are now in the fifth stage of our public consultation process.

Developing the plan

We developed the draft plan in consultation with people with disability and carers, including City staff, community members, the City's Inclusion (Disability) Advisory Panel as well as key peak bodies and service providers.

To develop the plan we:

  • surveyed City staff to gain greater insights into the diverse needs and experiences of staff with disability and staff with caring responsibilities
  • held 3 disability action planning workshops with community members, service providers and peak advisory groups
  • sought feedback through a guided online submission process available to all community members via the Sydney Your Say website
  • encouraged community members to provide feedback via email, in writing or via telephone.

The City's Inclusion (Disability) Advisory Panel has been instrumental in further developing this plan.

A summary of the community consultation outcomes is in section 10 of our plan. Details of the services and peak groups who participated is available in appendix A.

An inclusive and accessible city

The City's vision is for an inclusive and accessible city, where people with disability have equal opportunities to participate in social and cultural life, and in meaningful employment and civic life.

The plan focuses on 4 key directions:

  • Direction 1: Positive community attitudes and behaviours.
  • Direction 2: Liveable communities.
  • Direction 3: Meaningful employment.
  • Direction 4: Equitable access to mainstream services.

The plan sets the framework and priorities for:

  • meeting the City's responsibilities under the NSW Disability Inclusion Act 2014, the (Cth) Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and the (Cth) Carers (Recognition) Act 2010
  • identifying barriers to inclusion and developing strategies and actions that will respond to and address those barriers
  • continuous improvement in relation to inclusion and access for people with disability
  • achieving outcomes for people with disability and/or caring responsibilities in line with the City's social sustainability policy – A City for All.

Next steps

We will consider all feedback received during the public exhibition and any relevant changes will be incorporated into the final draft presented to Council.

The final draft plan will be presented to Council in June 2017 for endorsement and acceptance, and the final plan will take effect from 1 July 2017.

How to give your feedback

We welcome further feedback on our action plan. The document will be on public exhibition from 17 May to 14 June 2017.

You can provide comments and submissions in a number of different ways:


Feedback for this consultation has now closed

email: [email protected]

post: Social Policy Officer – City of Sydney, GPO Box 1591, Sydney NSW 2001.

Please provide your name and address or the details of the organisation you represent in your submission. We will not distribute your personal information without your consent.

An accessible version of the document suitable for screen readers, large print and an easy English version are available to download from this page. Other alternative formats are available upon request.

Printed copies and submissions

Printed versions of the plan are available at our neighbourhood service centres and One Stop Shop. You can also provide submissions in person at:

  • Level 2, 456 Kent Street, Sydney (One Stop Shop)
  • 186 Glebe Point Road, Glebe
  • 100 Joynton Avenue, Green Square
  • 50–52 Darlinghurst Road, Kings Cross
  • 158 Redfern Street, Redfern.

Other ways you can give feedback