Feedback on the draft cycling strategy and action plan

Making riding a bike in our local area safe, convenient and enjoyable.

Project Status: Closed

Public consultation period to

What we’re doing

Cycling has a vital role to play in the future of Sydney as it's an accessible, equitable, sustainable and reliable form of transport.

We're committed to making bike riding easier and safer, and a more attractive and feasible transport option for more people.

Our draft cycling strategy and action plan keeps us moving toward our Sustainable Sydney 2030 target for 10% of all trips in the city to be made by bike.

How you can give feedback

You can view our draft cycling strategy and action plan and:

  •         complete our online survey
  •         make a submission to [email protected]
  •         come along to our pop-up events in July 
  •         share this project with your family and friends.

Have your say on the future of cycling in Sydney by 5pm on Tuesday 7 August 2018 and help us make Sydney a resilient and connected city.

Other ways you can give feedback