Prepare for your food scraps recycling collection

Everything you need to know to ensure your food scraps can be recycled properly.

Project Status: When you need to do this

What you need to do

After you finish

Once collected, we will transport your food scraps to EarthPower, Australia’s first food waste-to-energy processing facility located in the Sydney suburb of Camellia.

The EarthPower facility uses anaerobic digestion technology to convert food scraps to green electricity and a nutrient-rich fertiliser.

As an accredited GreenPower supplier, EarthPower sells the green electricity produced from food waste processing to the grid for distribution to domestic, commercial and industrial clients. At full capacity, EarthPower can power up to 3,600 homes.

The fertiliser is produced from a nutrient rich sludge which is a by-product of the anaerobic digestion process. The sludge is dried and granulated into fertiliser prills that are sold into the agriculture and horticultural markets.

This project was supported by the Environmental Trust as part of the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment Waste Less, Recycle More initiative funded from the waste levy.