Nightlife and Creative Sector Advisory Panel

The Nightlife and Creative Sector Advisory Panel advises the City on how we can best work with industry, business and other government agencies to support a thriving, diverse and safe nightlife.

Libby Harris

Night Time City Manager

Please contact for more information about our advisory panel.

phone number
02 9265 9333
email address
[email protected]

The Nightlife and Creative Sector Advisory Panel also advises on new initiatives, identifies emerging issues and opportunities for Sydney’s night-time economy, and helps the City engage with local creative, cultural and nightlife communities.

We called for nominations to the panel in early 2018 and 15 experts were selected from 126 applications. The panel members represent the hospitality, live music and performance, theatre, festivals, retail, business and public safety sectors.

All applications were assessed by a panel of City staff based on selection criteria in the advisory panel’s terms of reference.

Panel members were selected based on their skills and experience and with the aim of ensuring they represent the diversity of the nightlife and creative sectors, including various age groups and cultural backgrounds.

The panel will be similar to models already operating in other global cities such as Amsterdam, Berlin, London and New York. It will meet 4 times a year and be co-chaired by a City of Sydney Councillor. Summary notes are available for panel meetings.

Panel members