Nightlife and creative sector advisory panel meeting summaries

Summary notes from the advisory panel's meetings.


Libby Harris

Night Time City Manager

Please contact for more information about our advisory panel.

phone number
02 9265 9333
email address
[email protected]

Latest meeting

6 August 2019

The panel was provided with an update on media coverage around the night-time economy over the past 6 months, outcomes from all the Sydney 2050 engagement activities and progress on the open and creative reforms.

A presentation was provided to the panel on alcohol-free zones (streets) and alcohol-prohibited areas (parks), and the noise complaint management process.

Panel members discussed their submissions and shared their observations on the parliamentary inquiries into Sydney’s night-time economy and music festivals.

The panel revisited its priorities and agreed to include affordability, access to underutilised and empty buildings, and the review and simplifying of consents.

Previous meetings