Place and industry grants

Our place and industry grants seek to promote local neighbourhoods, connect businesses to opportunities, grow business skills and knowledge and help businesses to advocate on key issues.

Man standing in doorway of building covered in artwork.

Grants team

Before applying please contact the team to arrange a call back to discuss your project.

phone number
02 9265 9333
email address
[email protected]

Next application round opens 2021

These grants support local economic development projects so Sydney businesses can be more productive and competitive in the global marketplace.

Who can apply

Not-for-profit organisations (incorporated associations only), including local chambers of commerce and industry associations.

Suitable projects for funding

Your project can contribute to one or more of these outcomes:

  •   increase awareness of local business offerings and experiences
  •   increase footfall, patrons and spending in local retail precincts
  •   improve access to industry information
  •   upskilling and network opportunities for local businesses
  •   strengthen advocacy by local chambers of commerce and precinct associations.

How much you can apply for

Funding is for up to 2 years and the funding level for each project will be considered from the total pool of available funds.

We will match cash with:

  •   in-kind contributions such as donated supplies, materials or services
  •   volunteering time such as labour, set up and pack down
  •   meeting time to identify, plan and implement projects
  •   direct cash input to the project through donations or income generated
  •   funds raised through other sources.

What you need to show

As well as demonstrating the contributions you will make to the project, you need to show:

  •   opportunity, need or demand for the project
  •   capacity and experience to undertake the project, including secured partnerships, marketing/promotional plans and any required approvals
  •   commitment, capacity and plans to continue the project without further support from us.

Planning and evaluating your project

At the application stage, it's important to consider how you will measure the success of your project.

We take a consistent approach to evaluate all local economic development projects. We recommend you refer to the standard performance measures that relate to the place and industry grants.

Key dates

There is 1 grant round a year that opens in February.

How you can apply

Please read our grants and sponsorship guidelines for more information about program outcomes and eligibility.

We encourage you to attend an information session with us before applying.

Please contact the grants team to discuss your application.

Key dates

Grant round 1

  •   Applications open: 5 February 2020
  •   Applications close: 9 March 2020
  •   Project timeframe: 1 August 2020–31 July 2021
  •   Recommendations to Council: 29 June 2020

Recommendations to Council is the time when applications are discussed and councillors decide to support or reject the recommendations presented to them.