Grants and sponsorship policy

Provides an overarching framework to manage grant and sponsorship requests.


Grants team

Before applying please contact the team to arrange a call back to discuss your project.

phone number
02 9265 9333
email address
[email protected]


  • This policy sets the parameters of support and highlights expected outcomes for each grant program.
  • Details on program eligibility, assessment criteria and key dates can be found in the grants and sponsorship program guidelines.
  • If you have a great idea that would benefit the local community but just need a kick-start to get it off the ground, our grants and sponsorships program may be able to help.
  • Our grants and sponsorships may provide funding or another related benefit, such as a reduced or no rate for the use of a council venue to local organisations and businesses.
  • Applicants need to meet certain criteria for each proposed project before lodging a request.
  • Our program covers a wide range of services and projects that directly benefit 1 or more of the following:
    • celebrating culture and creativity
    • supporting the economy and business
    • ensuring environmental sustainability
    • building community