Comment or object to a development proposal

We detail the steps you need to take if you wish to comment or object to a development proposal.

Project Status: When you need to do this

What you need to do

Before you start

After you finish

We’ll notify you when we’ve received your comment.


If amendments to an application are minor or reduce impacts, you won’t be notified.

Wherever possible, people who have made submissions will be notified when an application is to be determined by the Local Planning Panel or the Central Sydney Planning Committee.

Due to the short timeframe between an agenda being published and the meeting taking place, it is not always practical to post a letter to people who have commented. We ask that you include a daytime telephone number or an email address, so we can contact you quickly.

When a final determination is made about an application, everyone who commented is informed of the outcome. For applications determined by the Local Planning Panel or Central Sydney Planning Committee, Council business papers are available online.

Useful contacts

To find out more about a specific DA and its progress, please speak to the planner dealing with the application:

  • Planning assessment unit on 02 9265 9333

To find out when the next committee meeting is scheduled and/or request time to speak at the meeting, please contact:

  • Secretariat unit on 02 9265 9333