Make changes to a development application after the City has given consent

If you need to make changes to a development application after we have given consent there are several ways to do this.

Project Status: When you need to do this

What you need to do

Before you start

  • To correct a minor error, an incorrect description or miscalculation, an application to modify development section 4.55(1) is required
  • For minimal environmental impact changes, a section 4.55(1A) application is required.
  • To modify the consent in other ways, due to design changes for example, evidence needs to be provided that the development will be substantially the same, with a section 4.55(2) application.
  • To modify a consent handed down by the Land and Environment Court, a section 4.56 application is required.

From March 2018, section 96 applications are now called section 4.55 applications.

Application requirements

A modification application should include:

All documents must comply with our digital requirements.