Employment lands affordable housing program

Ensuring affordable rental housing for essential and low income earners as new jobs are created in and around the southern employment land.


It is essential that low income workers are able to access appropriate and affordable housing close to where they work.

The Employment Lands affordable housing program provides the operational detail for the various approaches taken by Council to encourage the provision of affordable rental housing.


All development in the Employment Lands is required to make a contribution towards affordable housing.

A developer may choose to provide affordable housing on-site if residential development is permissible in the zone, or pay an equivalent monetary contribution to allow housing units to be built elsewhere in area.

Affordable housing contributions are imposed in the form of a condition of development consent. The Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012 and the Employment Lands affordable housing program provide further information about the scheme.

Contribution rates

The affordable housing contribution rates effective from 1 June 2020 to 31 August 2020 are:

Non-residential development

  • On-site: 1% of the total non-residential floor area of the development must be provided as affordable housing.
  • Monetary: $110.23 per square metre of the total non-residential floor area.

Residential development

  • On-site: 3% of the total residential floor area of the development must be affordable housing.
  • Monetary: $330.71 per square metre of the total residential floor area.
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