Innovation grants

Innovation funding aims to support the development or implementation of new technologies or processes that are currently not being used in the local market, but have the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve efficiencies that could be applied across our area.

Tall buildings with plenty of green growth on them

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Innovation funding aims to support the development or implementation of new technologies or processes that are currently not being used in the local market, but have the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve efficiencies that could be applied across our area.

Priorities this year are applications that provide immediate benefits to multiple parties, provide great examples of circular economy models that replace traditional linear ‘take, make, dispose’ models of production and increase the green economy.

Please see the grants and sponsorship guidelines for expected program outcomes and eligibility.

To see what projects have been awarded grants and sponsorships in the past, please search for grants in our statutory returns annual reports.

Funding available

Funding under the innovation funding stream is available in 2 categories:

  • Feasibility studies that investigate innovative environmental solutions with the potential to improve environmental performance across a range of buildings and facilities in Sydney. Up to $20,000 is available in this category, with support to be matched by 25% or more cash or value in-kind from the applicant.
  • Demonstration projects that implement solutions to reduce resource consumption and can be rolled out at scale. Up to $80,000 is available in this category with funds to be matched by 50% or more cash or value in-kind from the applicant.

Key dates

Applications are now open. To apply please contact the grants team on 02 9265 9333.

Grant round 1

  • Applications open: 5 February 2020
  • Applications close: 9 March 2020
  • Project timeframe: 1 August 2020–31 July 2021
  • Recommendations to Council: 29 June 2020

Grant round 2

  • Applications open: late July 2020
  • Applications close: late August 2020
  • Project timeframe: 1 January 2021–31 December 2021
  • Recommendations to Council: 26 October 2020

Grant round 3

  • Applications open: 21 October 2020
  • Applications close: 16 November 2020
  • Project timeframe: 1 May 2021–30 April 2022
  • Recommendations to Council: early 2021

Recommendations to council is the time when applications are discussed and councillors decide to support or reject the recommendations presented to them.