Book collection

Our libraries have more than 400,000 titles to lend members.

Woman reading book

Find your next great read

Our collection has more than 400,000 books available to members.

We love books and almost every week publishers send us another 200 titles to add to our collection. 

Borrowing a book

You can search for book titles in our online catalogue.

Find reviews, book news and ideas for your next read in NovelistPlus (library card required), Good Reading Magazine or Who Else Writes Like...? (library card required).


We provide ebooks for loan. You can download ebooks straight to your device through our online catalogue or directly from BorrowBox. Log in using your library membership number and PIN.  You can also download the BorrowBox app for mobile devices.

Members can access Indyreads, a collection of ebooks from major and independent publishers, self-published authors and local writers. Log in using your library membership number and PIN.  You can also download the Indyreads app for mobile devices.

For more information on how to use this resource, read our ebook guide.


The audiobook collection is ideal for people who are too busy to read or prefer listening to their books. The books are all read by professional actors or the authors and a wide selection of titles are available on CD. You can catch up on the latest bestsellers while you’re travelling, commuting or exercising.

Search for audiobook titles in our online catalogue.


Library members can download and listen to over 2,000 eaudiobook titles. Download eaudiobooks to enjoy on your computer or portable device.

For more information on how to use this resource visit our eaudiobook guide.


Library members can now read popular comics, graphic novels and manga titles online.

Comics are available for viewing on the website or downloading on an app.

For more information on how to use this resource visit our ecomics guide.

Stack collection

The sheer volume of our collection makes it impossible to keep all titles in one of our library branches. Books and other items that are not in frequent demand are kept in our stack collection.

If you come across a title in our catalogue kept in the stack, you can reserve the item and have it delivered to your nearest branch free of charge. 

Requests for stack items can also be made at any library branch.