Request an inter-library loan

For an item not listed in our catalogue, enquire about receiving it from another collection in Australia.

Related to Libraries
If your item is available for loan from another library, the delivery to your local branch will take between 3 to 4 weeks.
Some public libraries charge $6 an item. Others, including the National Library of Australia, charge a minimum of $20.

Project Status: When you need to do this

What you need to do

  1. Log in to the online catalogue
  2. Click the suggestions tab
  3. Click the inter-library loan tab
  4. Complete the request form
  5. Click save.

You will be notified when your item is ready for collection.

After you finish

If your item is available for loan from another library, the delivery to your local branch will take between 3 to 4 weeks. Fees apply.

Inter-library loans must be returned to a City of Sydney Library.

Fees for inter-library loans

Items requested from other public libraries cost $6 while items requested from universities, special libraries and the National Library of Australia have costs starting at $30.

Requests for urgently required material may be made at our discretion. Charges for this service start at $55 plus courier fees.

Inter-library loan fees are non-refundable.