Appoint the City as principal certifier and notify start of public domain subdivision works

Advise council that you intend to commence public domain subdivision works (excluding building works) and are appointing City of Sydney as principal certifier.

Project Status: When you need to do this

What you need to do

Before you start

This form is only to be used where the City of Sydney is to be the PC for subdivision works. All building related PC applications will need to complete the Notice of Commencement of Building and Appointment of Council as Principal Certifier

Subdivision work means any physical activity authorised to be carried out in connection with a subdivision under the conditions of a development consent for the subdivision of land. For the purposes of this definition, a development consent includes an approval for state significant infrastructure if the regulations under Part 5 apply this part to subdivision work under such an approval. (EP&A Act 1979)

After you finish

Once your appointment nomination form has been received, you will be notified in writing of Council's appointment as the PC and any associated inspection fees.

Council will also nominate the critical stage inspections that must be carried out.